Torc Ground Anchor Series II
Price: £59.95 Gallery Image Reference: Torc Ground Anchor in situIt's all very well locking your bikes up in the shed, but much better if you've got something secure to lock them to. The Torc Ground...
View ArticlePragmasis Shed Shackle
Price: £42.00 Gallery Image Reference: Pragmasis Shed ShackleGround anchors like the Torc are fantastic if you've got a bit of hard standing to drill into, but what if your shed's on decking or earth?...
View ArticleSquire SS50CS Stronghold Padlock
Price: £45.25 Gallery Image Reference: Squire Stronghold padlockIf you're investing in a big chain for your lockup to keep your bikes out of the hands of the thieves then you'll need an equally beefy...
View ArticleFlamin''eck
Think we'll all want one for riding in London at least and just the thing for riding past the Daily Mail office on methinks:Flame-thrower bike unveiled A ''James Bond'' bike, complete with...
View ArticleGarmin Connect / MapMyRide etc. User? Check your privacy settings
If you're a user of a GPS logging site like Garmin Connect, MapMyRide, Endomondo etc. then you may want to check and consider changing your privacy settings.Garmin for example have default privacy set...
View ArticleAtomic22 infiniti3D security system
Carousel short title: Atomic22 infiniti3D security Price: £144.00 Gallery Image Reference: Atomic 22 infintiti3D security system Atomic 22 infiniti3D is a comprehensive, clever and effective security...
View ArticleEurobike 2012: Abus launch helmet with cardboard construction
Well, it's "wood-cellulose fibre honeycomb board"... plus new locks that won't scratch your paintwork read more
View ArticleAtomic 22 Tribe security system
Carousel short title: Atomic 22 Tribe security system Price: £109.00 Gallery Image Reference: Atomic 22 Tribe security systemThe Atomic 22 Tribe security system is basically a high tech, ultra...
View ArticleSpate of thefts from Trimetals Protect-a-Cycle sheds
Someone at the urban75 forum reported that the hasps of his shed were cut with bolt cutters. The police told him that they had seen a spate of identical thefts. The hasps are easily cut even by medium...
View ArticleSphyke keyless security launched in Europe
Carousel short title: Sphyke keyless security It's a combination code system to protect your wheels and saddle Story weight: 4 Main image for this node: Sphyke skewer setCombination code wheel...
View ArticleAsgard Metal Bike Shed for 29ers
Asgard Metal Bike Shed for 29ersAsgard Metal Bike Shed for 29ers - openAsgard Metal Bike Shed for 29ers - logoAsgard Metal Bike Shed for 29ers - lockAsgard Metal Bike Shed for 29ers - lock guardAsgard...
View ArticleThe best bike locks — stop your bike getting stolen with our selection
Carousel short title: The best bike locks — stop your bike getting stolen Your buyers guide to the top-rated locks from £20 Story weight: 4 Gallery Image Reference: The Abus Granit X Plus is about as...
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